Bernard's volunteer journey

Hello, my name is Bernard and I volunteer on the Inpatient Unit at Dove House.

When I left paid work I decided to do voluntary work and chose the hospice. Ten years later I wouldn’t change anything.
My main role when I come to the hospice is being a tea trolley dolly, which I love. After preparing the trolley I get buns from the kitchen and then deliver them to in-patients and their visitors. Oh, and I try to keep the area tidy and help wherever I can.
I would say, hands down the best part of volunteering is the feeling that I am doing something useful. I get to talk with the wonderful team who look after the patients so beautifully and have a chat with them and their families. Oh, and it gives me wife an afternoon of peace!
I have had lots of lovely moments at the hospice and I am proud to be able to make someone’s day a little brighter with a cup of tea, a smile, or a soothing word or two. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity, and I get to be part of it. With every cuppa I bring a little comfort into someone’s hardest days. It’s not just bringing the tea, it’s so much more than that.
Volunteering has given me a sense of purpose and a huge reward is having friendships with people outside of my normal circle.
I don’t have a particular link to Dove House but I do understand the importance of hospice care and think it is vital that our community continues to have this available for years to come. When I was at work in Youth Training my group decided to raise funds for a hospice and I also offered work experience for a student whose mother worked at another hospice. A good friend of mine died at a hospice shortly before I finished paid work so I have seen first-hand the impact hospice care makes.